Download aiml editor for mac
Download aiml editor for mac

download aiml editor for mac

GENDERCOMMENT from REMEMBERFAMILIARNAME * * topic Set predicate familiarpredicate to father in REMEMBERFAMILIARNAME * *ģ. Matched: REMEMBERFAMILIARNAME * * familiar.aiml REMEMBERFAMILIARNAME from MY FAMILIARNAME IS NAM Set predicate contactname to edgar in MY FAMILIARNAME IS NAME * *Ģ. Set predicate familiarpredicate to father in MY FAMILIARNAME IS Matched: FAMILIARPREDICATE FAMILIARNAME * * familiar.a FAMILIARPREDICATE FATHER from MY FAMILIARNAME IS NAME * * topic=berlin) Matched: MY FAMILIARNAME IS NAME * * familiġ. MY FATHER is edgar from MY DAD * * * topic=berlin Input: my dad is edgar, that: Xis your wife, topic: berlin, chatSessioĠ. STATE=my dad is edgar:THAT=X is your wife:TOPIC=berlin Robot: I will remember your father's name is edgar.Īnd this happened after the "my dad is edgar" input: As I like swearing I have deleted the profanity.aiml and the inappropiate.aiml at the aiml-folder and aimlif-folder and added my own badwords.aiml. Also all my AIML 1.0.1 files run normally with programAB, just load them into the AIML 2.0 bot. It calculates, it translates (I could only get english/spanish to work). It also retrieves a lot of info from different websites (Wiki, WolframAlpha, Jeannie bot, etc.), grabs audio/video from Youtube or shows a city on the map. Here we can create databases and the prior goal is reached.

download aiml editor for mac

It already contains a bunch of aiml.files and you will see at the cmd where it takes the info from. Today I tried AIML 2.0 with program AB (version Submitted by Mastablasta on Mon, - 19:12. But no one wants to add thousands of names. The condition-tag would need a whole database of existing names. SOLVED! After 24 hours of brainstorming I got things moving! I´ll keep you up to date soon. If input = fake name then always say get lost I was hoping to be able to make another condition tag for all inputs which does not match the prior condition tags (the real names). I´ve created a condition tag for every real name, pointing to the correct answer, working fine. Now I am stuck at the point where it comes to the fake names. Mike, nice to meet you! or using the li tag for random answers. For real names I get the correct response e.g. So I started to use the condition tag and set name and value. :īot: "Don´t fool me! Washing machine is not a name for a human" My goal: a database for first names with the bot recognizing fake names e.g. You will be able to do simple files within a short time. Here you can create and even test your files immediately. So far I ended up in using GaitoBot AIML Editor which seems to be a good helper to start with (it´s free).

download aiml editor for mac

After 2 days of reading and checking more than a 100 websites it´s still difficult to find good tutorials. In my opinion most of these aiml-files are too simple as AIML offers many more tags to use.


There are lot of aiml databases you can download (ALICE, Charlie etc.) so you can start pretty fast talking to your bot. The installation was a little tricky (for a noob like me) but got it working after some hours. Some days ago I´ve started with ProgramD and AIML. Submitted by Mastablasta on Sun, - 14:21.

Download aiml editor for mac